Oct 12, 2009

Here we go!

I have been wanting to get more into photography and I think I have a senior lined up in the spring for when he hands out his pictures which will be fun. I'm going to try and do my sister's too - if she'll let me! So if you have an evening or weekend free and want to let me expirement with some pictures and poses just let me know!

Life moved out has been good - well minus the roommate drama but I'm learning to deal it. It's been fun decorating and getting things ready. I also love when my mom invites me for dinner for three reasons: 1) it's free 2) i don't have to cook and 3) internet!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE to host and have people come hang out! Someday I'll have pics to show a glimpse of the condo.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures I've taken in the last year or two.

My friend Katie's daughter in the pool.
My cousin Jamie for her 7th grade pictures!

Miss Abby Rose for her 1st bday!

She's so much fun to take pictures of!
My cousin's daughter Chloe - this just captures her completely!